Categories: Movie Trailers

Rumor: We’ll see the new Star Wars trailer soon and this is what’s in it

With word that maestro John Williams went in to compose music for a Star Wars trailer, we've been expecting a teaser by year's end. Looks that just may come to fruition as word on the street is that someone "on the inside" has seen the trailer, and that it's set to debut within the next 4-5 weeks.

Here's the trailer description according to Badass Digest:

It's going to have The Force Theme played on woodwinds, softly, over flashing images of the main leads, each fading to black. There's no dialogue, just reveals of the characters. And then the music swells up into a full orchestral piece – perhaps what John Williams recorded this weekend? – and we hear a female voice, likely Daisy Ridley's, saying "Wake up."

And then the title card appears – Star Wars: The Force Awakens – and we see the Millennium Falcon, firing blasters, coming right at the camera.

Even if the source is false, I can't imagine the actual teaser trailer will differ greatly. I'm especially optimistic about seeing the teaser some time this year as well. If you recall, even the first PHANTOM MENACE trailer that debuted a full year ahead of its release had quite a bit of footage. Sure, we didn't know what it all meant, but it was insanely cool at the time. I suppose we'll know soon enough if this description is legit or not!

STAR WARS: EPISODE VII – THE FORCE AWAKENS hits our galaxy on December 18, 2015.

Published by
Sean Wist