Rumor: The titles of the Avatar sequels have reportedly been revealed

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Like it or not, but our future is going to be filled with more AVATAR sequels than we could have imagined as James Cameron has spent the years since the release of the first film developing four sequels which will allow us to further explore the world of Pandora. The director had previously said that he didn't want to call the sequel AVATAR 2 as Jake Sully isn't "an Avatar anymore, is he? Maybe we'll call it Na'vi." It still remains to be seen what the upcoming sequels will be called, but BBC News claims to have seen documentation regarding AVATAR projects which may have revealed the titles of the four sequels. Ready? Here we go.


They aren't the most exciting titles which I can imagine, but it's important to take these with a grain of salt until something official is actually announced. As James Cameron has said that the first sequel will feature the underwater world of Pandora quite heavily, THE WAY OF WATER does makes sense, I suppose. What do you folks think of these possible titles?

James Cameron has said that the four AVATAR sequels will be a "generational family saga" which will be very different from the first film. "In terms of the storytelling, I found myself — not for any reasons of the zeitgeist or what was popular — but I found myself, as a father of five, starting to think about, ‘What would an “Avatar” story be like if it was a family drama? If it was “The Godfather?”’ Obviously, a very different genre, very different story, but I got intrigued by that idea," Cameron said. "What happens when warriors that are willing to go on suicide charges and leap off cliffs on to the back of big orange toruks — what happens when they grow up and have their own kids?. It becomes a very different story. Now the kids are the risk-takers and the change-makers." Even though the AVATAR franchise has been absent from the big-screen for some time, Sigourney Weaver, who will be returning as a new character across the four sequels, is confident that the new films will still manage to change the cinema experience.

I think that because the water becomes another world. The scripts are amazing, and in the first one, which I love, I think he hadn’t set up a lot of things. In this one he got to tell this very personal story. They’re amazing. There’s a message to not sacrifice everything for greed and conquest. It will take all four movies to really make that message loud and clear for the whole world.

AVATAR 2 is slated for a December 18, 2020 release, with the sequels potentially following on December 17, 2021, December 20, 2024, and December 19, 2025.

Source: BBC News

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Based in Canada, Kevin Fraser has been a news editor with JoBlo since 2015. When not writing for the site, you can find him indulging in his passion for baking and adding to his increasingly large collection of movies that he can never find the time to watch.