Rose McGowan accuses director Alexander Payne of sexual misconduct

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Actress Rose McGowan, who led the charge outing movie mogul Harvey Weinstein for his predatory behavior, has now accused director Alexander Payne of sexual misconduct that allegedly occurred when she was just 15 years old. The actress shared her experience in a series of tweets of Sunday and Monday that intimately recalled her time with the director at the time. You can check out McGowan's tweets below which, if they occurred when she was 15, puts Alexander Payne around his late 20s at the time:

If the timeline adds up, McGowan could be recalling what appears to be the same incident in 2018 during a conversation with Ronan Farrow, according to "The Cut". During the conversation, Farrow noted that the actress told him she had experienced statutory rape at the hands of “a prominent man in Hollywood.” She did not say names at the time, but she said that the director took her home, showed her an inappropriate movie, and engaged with her sexually. She told Farrow that since she had been attracted to him, she played off the incident as a “sexual experience.”

McGowan emancipated herself sometime in the late 1980s and moved to Los Angeles, which was about the same time Payne started building up directing credits. His first directing project was 1985’s CARMEN. Payne's career really took off after directing ELECTION with Reese Witherspoon and that then led to more critically acclaimed releases like SIDEWAYS and THE DESCENDANTS. The latter two films garnered Payne two Oscars for best-adapted screenplay. Payne has a series in the works with HBO and Sky called Landscapers, set to star Oscar winner, Olivia Colman. There is no word as of now if the project will be impacted by the allegations and Payne has yet to release a statement about McGowan's claims. 

McGowan took to "Variety" to expand on her reasons for coming out with these allegations now and it appears that it came over her that, at 15, what she experienced wasn't a consensual sexual encounter but what many have come to know as "grooming."

"I feel very badly for my 15-year-old self. I had auditioned for him. He took me home afterwards. I quit acting after that and then was discovered by Ilene Staple (a friend of Gregg Araki) 6 years later. It wasn’t until after the HW [Harvey Weinstein] stories came out that I reframed the Payne of it all. I had for years looked at it as a sexual encounter, not understanding what it really was. It was a grooming situation. The first time I’d been shown a straight porn."

There are always two sides to every story but McGowan has been consistently straight forward about her allegations and it can be argued that her initial whistleblowing sparked the #MeToo movement and ultimately led to more women being brave enough to come out and share their experiences with sexual harassment and misconduct. McGowan was one of the first women to come forward with allegations against Harvey Weinstein in October 2017, sharing that Weinstein raped her at the Sundance Film Festival in 1997 in his hotel suite. Weinstein is now serving a 23-year sentence in upstate New York, convicted on the charges of third-degree rape and first-degree sexual assault. I'll leave this piece with a final statement from McGowan that she posted on her Instagram page on Monday, expanding more on her experience and what that means for her today.


Last night I dropped a bomb of truth. For years I had thought a man I had sexual relations with was a a sexual experience I had. I now know I was groomed. I auditioned for him at 15. After my experience with him, I quit acting entirely until I was ‘discovered’ at 21. When that happened, I was like, fuck it, let’s do this. I even tweeted a congratulations on his Oscar win in 2012, that’s how deep in the Cult of Hollywood I was. It wasn’t until three weeks after the Weinstein story broke that I re-evaluated the situation. I feel badly about throwing a bomb into someone’s life and career, but I guess that’s social conditioning. I’m more sad than angry. Sad for 15 year-old me. Sad for the adult me that still thought it was a choice I made. Grooming is real. I want you all to know that it’s not your fault if you were mentally massaged into thinking it’s okay. It is not. I know this now. I would even go up to this director at events and ask him, with a smile, “remember when you had sex with me at 15?” And I would laugh it off. That is deep societal programming. If you are out there trying to have sex with an underage minor, you are committing a crime, even if the minor doesn’t know it. I was attracted to him, so I thought it was on me, but that’s not correct. I was not an adult. When it happened, I’d recently been left behind in Hollywood by a family member to fend for myself. The wolves preyed. Please recognize that if this has happened to you, the shame is not yours, it’s theirs. Give it back. Groomers are skilled operators and at 15, I was not aware of the warning signs. I named him on Twitter, but since Instagram is my softer side, I just don’t want his name here. Goddess bless us all, except for those that abuse their power. Here’s to freedom, yours and mine.

A post shared by Rose McGowan (@rosemcgowan) on Aug 17, 2020 at 1:56pm PDT

Source: Variety, The Cut

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