Sony enacts new ad campaign to get people interested in Inferno

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Man, are they still making these movies? I mean, I guess the films are successful enough (though ANGELS & DEMONS only made money back if you count foreign gross). But is there really a clamouring for these films, especially seven years after the second film made half of what the DA VINCI CODE did?

Well, I doubt I'm the only one who views news of a new Robert Langdon movie through rolled eyes, and I feel that Sony is aware of that. So they have enacted an elaborate ad campaign to get people involved in the release of their newest Langon-adventure, INFERNO. 

Essentially, Sony has partnered with Google and the original author Dan Brown to create puzzles that fans will solve themselves. First, players will be given clues at (with a snazzy photo of Tom Hanks), and then they will look through various Google products (Google Maps, Gmail, Google Search, and YouTube) to use the clues and solve the elaborate puzzles. Essentially, you're kind of "helping" Langdon with his investigation into the Illumaniti-esque conspiracy that involves Dante's Inferno (hence, the title). There will be weekly prizes, but the grand prize is apparently being an all-expenses paid trip to Rome, Italy.  

Personally, I think this could be pretty cool. I kind of miss the weird viral campaigns of things like THE DARK KNIGHT, DONNIE DARKO, or THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. This doesn't look like it's up to the caliber of those (and other) viral campaigns before it, but it still seems fun. However, it also seems kind of null and void since it looks to be attached to such a meh project. However, if you're a fan of these films – and really, if you are, that's fine! – maybe you'll get a kick out of this game. 

Also, there's an adult coloring book based on the film:

And yes, that's a real thing. 

INFERNO, starring Tom Hanks and directed by Ron Howard, will be released in theaters October 28th, 2016.

So what do you guys think? Excited for more Robert Langdon adventures? And Tom Hanks's new hair, yay or nay?

Source: Sony Pictures,

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