Categories: Horror Movie News

Robert Rodriguez offers up another Sin City 2 update: Funding & Script!

Earlier this month we got a long-awaited update on Robert Rodriguez’s SIN CITY 2 fresh out of Comic-Con. The thing was indeed on the fast track people! But how fast is the fast track?

Apparently the guys over at We Got This Covered were wondering the same thing so during a recent interview with Rodriguez they asked the talented filmmaker what the deal was with SIN CITY 2 and MACHETE 2. Check out his response:

“Sin City 2 is going good, we’re just finishing the script for that, we already got the money. We have everything we need so we can just start shooting as soon as we get the pages. And it’s the same thing for Machete 2. We’ve already got the budget, just waiting for the script. As soon as we’re finished writing we get to start the shoot.”

I don’t know about you guys but I’d much rather dig on a SIN CITY 2 first, and it seems that may be the case. So the script is nearly done and the plan is to start shooting as soon as it’s finished? Natch! That could conceivably be any day now.

So what do you guys think? MACHETE 2 first or SIN CITY 2? Spit some bullets below as we await solid news on either project, which will hopefully be coming our way sooner rather than later.

SIN CITY’s Jessica Alba
Published by
Jared Pacheco