Categories: Movie News

Robert Pattinson is ready for a Twilight reunion at “a moment’s notice”

In the six years since the TWILIGHT SAGA, ended actor Robert Pattinson has been making a grand transition to auteur-driven indie movies, receiving widespread acclaim. But even though Pattinson is off doing movies with David Cronenberg or doing GOOD TIME with the Safdie Brothers he still looks back fondly on his YA, heartthrob roots. In fact, he had such a good time on those movie’s he’s not exactly ruling out a return to the franchise as the blood-sucking loverboy Edward somewhere down the line.


The actor was speaking to Variety while at TIFF, where he was promoting his new movie HIGH LIFE. The interviewer asked Pattinson if he was surprised when writer/director Claire Denis said she was a TWILIGHT fan, to which the actor had a charming response.

“Whenever anyone says [‘Twilight’]’s their guilty pleasure, it’s like, you say guilty, what you really mean is just pleasure.”

He was eventually asked about a reunion, to which Pattinson's response was a mixture of elated and joking (hopefully just joking).

I was literally talking to my agent about it. The amount of time I’ve spent moisturizing, I am ready to play 17 at a moment’s notice. Ready!

The first movie in the TWILIGHT saga came out ten years ago this November, which means we probably won’t be hearing the last of news about it as actors are asked to reflect on the franchise. Though critics have pummeled the series it brought around $3.5 billion worldwide across five movies. Since then both Kristen Stewart and Pattinson have been doing plenty of indie work, with Pattinson’s recent work including the terrific movies GOOD TIME and THE LOST CITY OF Z. The actor explained it wasn’t so much a conscious choice to go for those roles post-TWILIGHT, rather that was just the stuff he always found interesting.


“That’s just the stuff that appeals to me…Pretty much everything I’ve done are these massive processes…I’m just hoping that these things happen and there’s ton of circumstances that come into play.”

Look, it's great Pattinson still has a good time thinking about those movies, but I hope this doesn't get a reunion in the works. The franchise ended, got some of the better reviews of the saga and earned the biggest global box office. That's a good note to go out on, so let's just leave it at that. That being said, it would give Taylor Lautner something to do.

Published by
Matt Rooney