Categories: Horror Movie News

Rob Zombie’s 31 to have an extensive Making Of documentary

Two of Rob Zombie's previous filmmaking endeavors have had incredible documentaries made about them, documentaries which followed Zombie throughout the process of making the films and ended up being longer than the movies they were about.

For THE DEVIL'S REJECTS, there was 30 DAYS IN HELL, which covered every day of the thirty day shoot and ran nearly two and a half hours. Zombie's next movie after that was his 2007 HALLOWEEN remake, and viewers were given a look at the process of making that film from pre-production to post in the epic, four hour plus documentary MICHAEL LIVES.

We now have confirmation, straight from, that his latest feature 31 is also getting the pre-to-post documentary treatment thanks to Josh Hasty of Paramount Scope.

Hasty posted the behind-the-scenes shot below on the Paramount Scope website and said:

“Going through 500+ hours of footage (yes five hundred) on my Rob Zombie  31 doc. Here’s a screen cap of RZ and his DP, David Daniels, planning out one of my favorite scenes in the film. A poetic nightmare!”

I thought it was a shame that Zombie's HALLOWEEN II and THE LORDS OF SALEM didn't get exhaustive documentaries of their own, so I'm very glad to see that the "making of" is making a comeback.

Published by
Cody Hamman