Plot: An aging producer (Robert DeNiro- playing a thinly disguised Art Linson) struggles to get a new film off the ground, while simultaneously trying to fix his previous film, which is in post-production and is due to be screened at the Cannes Film Festival in two weeks.
Review: This is a pretty boring film folks, obviously made with a Hollywood insider audience in mind. Alas, we mere mortals who don’t work in “the biz” are not given a lot to enjoy here. Basically, it’s like a watered down version of THE PLAYER, or a long, crappy episode of ENTOURAGE, minus Piven, and, ya know- laughs.
The beard incident makes it into the film, but here, it’s Bruce Willis (playing himself), who refuses to shave. Obviously, Willis has got a great sense of humor, and its fun watching him parody himself- and indeed, he’s the best thing about the film. There are a few other clever pokes at Hollywood, but many of the jokes, including a subplot about a Sean Penn thriller that needs fixing, falls flat. Even Michael Wincott, an actor I usually love, falls flat here as his performance as a deranged auteur is way over the top.
The biggest problem with the film is that, as a viewer, I could not care less about any of the characters onscreen, as they were all shallow and self involved. I know what you’re thinking- it’s a film about Hollywood, isn’t it accurate to depict them this way? Yes, it is- but the thing is, why should I subject myself to a two hour film about a bunch of people I couldn’t care less about? If the film had a bit more bite, like SWIMMING WITH SHARKS, than it might have been worth watching , but the satire is far to gentle to work. Obviously Linson & director Barry Levinson want to continue working in Hollywood, so they made sure to make a movie that wouldn’t offend anyone. That’s all well and good, but man, do it make for a boring film or what?
Grade: 5/10