Plot: An epidemic of mass blindness hits an un-named city causing chaos & confusion. The afflicted are housed in a decrepit sanitarium, but as the number of infected grows, the newly blind are forced to fend for themselves. Eventually they split into groups, one of which is run by a former ophthalmologist (Mark Ruffalo), and his wife (Julianne Moore), who has managed to retain her sight, but is posing as blind in order to care for her husband.
Review: BLINDNESS is not for everyone. I can understand why the film received such a cold reception at the Cannes Film Festival, as at times it’s almost oppressively bleak- so it’s probably nobody’s idea of a good time at the movies. It also pales in comparison to director Fernando Meirelles’s last two films, CITY OF GOD & THE CONSTANT GARDENER- but as both of those films were near masterpieces, I won’t hold it against him.
My phobias aside- what really made the film work for me are the performances, particularly Julianne Moore’s turn as the one person who hasn’t been afflicted by the epidemic. Moore has always really been hit & miss for me, but given the right material she’s always able to deliver- and her work in BLINDNESS is some of the best she’s ever done. I especially loved the way her character evolves over the course of the film. Early in the film, she’s this perfect little housewife who does every little thing for her husband (including setting his alarm clock), and appears to be 100% content in her role, but once giving the great responsibility of having sight in a world full of blind people- she steps up in a big way. She’s totally selfless throughout, not only caring for her husband, but everyone who needs her. She’s one of the most heroic characters I’ve seen in a while, and Moore is wonderful on the role.
One thing I should mention is that the version of BLINDNESS that I saw is different than the version screened at Cannes. After the bad reception, Meirelles re-edited the film somewhat. Supposedly the biggest difference between the cuts is the fact that he removed most of Danny Glover’s narration for the new version. As I’ve never seen the Cannes cut, I can’t say whether or not he’s improved the film. Overall- I liked the film, although it’s not exactly the type of film you enjoy- but rather the type of film that you respect, but never feel the need to watch again.
Grade: 7/10