Categories: Horror Movie News

Resident Evil producers prepare a different kind of apocalypse with The Dog Stars

Constantin Film, the production company behind the RESIDENT EVIL series, has acquired the film rights to THE DOG STARS, the critically acclaimed post-apocalyptic debut novel by journalist Peter Heller.

Don’t go thinking they’ll be mining the same territory as the RESIDENT flicks, however. DOG STARS looks like it takes a more thoughtful, if still suspenseful, approach to the end of the world.

The book’s synopsis:

Hig survived the flu that killed everyone he knows. His wife is gone, his friends are dead, he lives in the hangar of a small abandoned airport with his dog, his only neighbor a gun-toting misanthrope. In his 1956 Cessna, Hig flies the perimeter of the airfield or sneaks off to the mountains to fish and to pretend that things are the way they used to be. But when a random transmission somehow beams through his radio, the voice ignites a hope deep inside him that a better life—something like his old life—exists beyond the airport. Risking everything, he flies past his point of no return—not enough fuel to get him home—following the trail of the static-broken voice on the radio. But what he encounters and what he must face—in the people he meets, and in himself—is both better and worse than anything he could have hoped for.

No screenwriter or director have come aboard yet, but it’s still in the early stages, obviously.

RESIDENT EVIL hottie Milla Jovovich

Published by
Eric Walkuski