Randy Moore’s Escape from Tomorrow DVD release date and details

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

At long last, Randy Moore’s experimental trip into Disney hell ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW is ready to come home. It was announced back in December that the black & white nightmare was scooped up by Random House Media, and now we know exactly when it’s hitting shelves and what can be expected.

ESCAPE FROM TOMORROW will be released on April 29th via Cinedigm at a retails price of $19.99. Extras include multiple commentaries (including one exclusive commentary in which “Jim,” the film’s main character (played by Roy Abramsohn), recounts his adventure first-hand), along with a behind-the-scenes featurette and poster gallery. How awesome is it that we’re getting a character commentary? Should be fun.

The most provocative film from the 2013 Sundance Film Festival, Escape From Tomorrow should not exist, and yet it does. Like nothing you’ve ever seen, Randy Moore’s directorial debut is a bold and ingenious trip into the happiest place on earth. An epic battle begins when a middle-aged American husband and father of two learns that he has lost his job. Keeping the news from his nagging wife and wound-up children, he packs up the family and embarks on a full day of park hopping amid enchanted castles and fairytale princesses. Soon, the manufactured mirth of the fantasyland around him begins to haunt his subconscious. An idyllic family vacation quickly unravels into a surrealist nightmare of paranoid visions, bizarre encounters, and an obsessive pursuit of a pair of sexy teenage Parisians.


Source: Arrow In The Head

About the Author

Eric Walkuski is a longtime writer, critic, and reporter for JoBlo.com. He's been a contributor for over 15 years, having written dozens of reviews and hundreds of news articles for the site. In addition, he's conducted almost 100 interviews as JoBlo's New York correspondent.