Categories: Movie News

RA: Bloodsport

Rating: 3 out of 4 / Buy the DVD here

Tagline:The secret contest where the world’s greatest warriors fight in a battle to the death.

Directed by: Newt Arnold
Starring: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Donald Gibb, Bolo Yeung

THE PLAN: This film is based on events in the life of Frank Dux (Jean-Claude Van Damme or JCVD as he will now be referred to), an American who sought to become the champion of a secret, dangerous, martial arts contest called Kumite. While Dux searches through the streets of Hong Kong for the underground arena where the event is being held, he must outfox U.S. agents who want him to work for the government instead of entering the competition. The exciting climax of the film is the Kumite itself, when Dux faces the imposing, undefeated Chong Li — who’s not above cheating….

THE KILL: KUMITE! KUMITE! KUMITE! BLOODSPORT is a good example of one of action’s greatest sub-genres; the martial arts film. And is there a better representation of the 80’s martial arts movie than BLOODSPORT? (If there is, I for one don’t want to know about it!) The film follows Frank Dux, who after having the brim of his hat chopped off by a katana blade as a boy, is taken in by his Japanese neighbor and taught the ways of ninjutsu. Later in life, after his master’s son has passed away, Dux takes his place as the next in line to represent the Tanaka clan in Kumite; a super secret and possibly deadly martial arts tournament. After some intense training that includes catching fish, getting smacked around with sticks, serving tea blindfolded and breaking trees with his groin muscles, Dux is ready to face just about anyone!

Hey Van Damme, is that a members only jacket?


After going AWOL from the army and heading to Hong Kong to participate in the tournament, JCVD becomes friends with Ray Jackson. (Played by Donald Gibb, AKA Ogre from REVENGE OF THE NERDS) The two bond over a karate video game in the lobby of the hotel and become best friends for life. Once arriving to the tournament we meet the main antagonist for the film in the form of Chong Li (Bolo Yeung). (You may remember him as the man with the worlds largest pectorals) These three fighters rise through the tournament until it comes time for Jackson and Li to duke it out. Jackson has his ass handed to him, and JCVD is almost brought to tears, most likely because he’s in ‘love’ with him.


Jackson’s defeat gives Dux the motivation that he’ll need to take on Li in the final match of the Kumite. Even when Li blinds Dux with a crushed up Alka-seltzer tablet, the Muscles from Brussels is just too much for the 50 year old monster pecs, and Li is bitched slapped around the mat until he yells ‘Matte!’

JCVD: “Remember when I trained with my eyes closed? Watch me use that training now!”

BLOODSPORT was the film that put JCVD on the map, and truly is a fun watch. Not too much thinking is required, and it’s not often you get a film that has so much slow-motion ass-kickery in it. Supposedly based on the true events of the real Frank Dux, BLOODSPORT is a film that every man, women, and child should watch at least once.

TOP DEATH: There is only one death in BLOODSPORT, but to tell the truth it isn’t that glorious. However, JCVD does deliver a vicious nut punch to end a fight that looks so painful that I think if it were to happen to me I would want to die!

I was always taught that hitting below the belt was a no-no.

TOP ACTION SCENE: After the mullet wearing, crust-ache sporting, Chinese delegate brings Dux and Gibbs to the Kumite for the first set of fights, we get a great montage of the first round fights, and an even better look at the rest of the rabble rousers who make up the the Kumite fighters.

TOP LINE: Jackson is asked “I heard you can get killed at the Kumite”, and Jackson simply responds “Only if you f**k up!”

HOMOEROTIC MOMENT: Outside the unnecessary shot of JCVD in his bikini-cut red spandex underwear, right before the film ends Dux tells Jackson that he loves him and than kisses him in bed. Umm ok, so where did that come from? Even if it was just friendly, the guys have only known each other 3 days so I say again, ‘What the f**k’.

A match made in heaven?

FEMALE EXPLOITATION: JCVD romances a female reporter whose in Hong Kong attempting to cover the Kumite. Funny thing is he wins her in a bet. When he first sees her, another fighter from the Kumite is trying to force her to come up to his room with him. JCVD bets the guy he can snatch a quarter from his hand, which he does, and than leaves with the girl himself. Nice work Dux, I can’t usually get more than a gumball for a quarter.

DRINKING GAME: Grab yourself a bottle of Canadian Club rye and do a shot every time someone uses the word ‘Kumite’. By the time the flick is finished, you’ll be ready (or think so at least) to fight in a martial arts match to the death as well.

TRIVIA: The real Frank W. Dux was a fighting coordinator for this film. He and Van Damme were friends until he sued Van Damme over the film THE QUEST, claiming that Van Damme stole the idea from Dux’s original KUMITE script.

Not necesarily BLOODSPORT trivia but interestingly enough, in the film MONACO FOREVER, JCVD is credited as ‘Gay Karate Man’, which may explain his affinity to drop into the splits whenever the chance presents itself.

Will someone please give me some work!


Published by
Eric Walkuski