President Aaron Eckhart won’t return for Angel Has Fallen

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

Well that's a shame. First we lost Obama, now we're losing President Asher too? Apparently so, as it looks like Aaron Eckhart won't be reprising his role as the aforementioned President in the new film in the HAS FALLEN franchise, ANGEL HAS FALLEN. I feel kinda sad that Gerard Butler's Mike Bannon won't have his President buddy tagging along for the action anymore.

Eckhart, talking to Collider about his new boxing film BLEED FOR THIS, had this to say:

The President is retired. He’s golfing and he’s amassing his library right now.

That's a shame. Either way, the new film will basically be a remake of AIR FORCE ONE, as terrorists try to take out Mike Bannon himself on the eponymous plane, rather than the President. Or…is Bannon the President now? Hmm. That's just stupid enough to work…

No release date has been set yet for ANGEL HAS FALLEN, but most likely will come out either summer or winter 2018.

So you guys excited for some head-stabbing in the sky? Sound off below!

Source: Collider

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