Pop-Up Movie Facts: Green Lantern (2011)

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Before Ryan Reynolds made superhero movies great again with DEADPOOL, he was flying around the halls of super shame with the film GREEN LANTERN (2011). This particular comic book film is often the go-to joke when making fun of bad superhero movies. It is a rare honor that a film can completely stop a franchise dead in its tracks. If this had been good (or at least successful) we could’ve had the DCEU years earlier. Now we can all look back at this film starring DEADPOOL and the director of THOR: RAGNAROK as a strange and interesting time during the evolution of the superhero film genre. It taught Hollywood some lessons and maybe they’ll listen to those crazy fanboys next time. Now, it’s time for YOU to learn a few things on the latest episode of JoBlo’s POP-UP MOVIE FACTS!

Source: JoBlo.com

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