Poll: Favorite Box Office Bomb

Last Updated on November 28, 2022

With Strange World an official bomb at the box office, with some expecting it to lose upwards of $100 million for the studio, we wanted to know what Box Office Bomb (a movie that lost over $50 million) was your favorite? By “favorite” we mean what bomb is one you say to yourself “You know what, that really wasn’t all that bad!” If you don’t see your favorite choice listed, please let us know in the comments (there are a lot of bombs out there, so we look forward to seeing some of your answers!)

Favorite Box Office Bomb
2249 votes · 2249 answers

About the Author

318 Articles Published

Brad grew up loving movies and wanting to work in the industry. Graduated from Full Sail University in 2007 before moving to Los Angeles where I was fortunate enough to join SAG-Aftra in 2012. I love every second I get to write about movies for Joblo!