Categories: Horror Movie News

Phase 4 Films acquires Patrick remake

THR is reporting some good news today as Mark Hartley's PATRICK remake has been acquired by Phase 4 Films and Uncork'd Entertainment for U.S. and Canadian rights. After making its U.S. debut last month at Fantastic Fest, it's nice to see this one get snatched up because it looks like a solid retelling of the classic Australian thriller. We still don't have a solid release date as to when you will be able to get your eyes on this one but Phase 4 Films is said to be releasing the flick theatrically and on demand in the spring of 2014.

Patrick, based on the classic Australian 1978 horror film of the same name, centers on a former killer who is now a comatose patient in a small psychiatric clinic. When a pretty young nurse begins working with him, she senses that Patrick is communicating with her, and he seems to be using his powers to manipulate events in her life.

Directed by Hartley, PATRICK stars Richard E. Grant, Rachel Griffiths, and Sharni Vinson. And just in case you missed the latest trailer, you can check it out right HERE.

Published by
Ryan Miller