Categories: Horror Movie News

Phantasm VI may still happen

Being that April Fool's news posts are running rampant around the internet these last few hours, I wanted to wait and make sure this next bit wasn't such a fool. Turns out this is one of the few true articles posted in the last few days.

Evidently, if you were one of those peeps that bought the massive PHANTASM collection last week, then you know it came with a 120-page book called the Phantasm Compendium. Inside this book, Don Coscarelli talks about a possible sixth Phantasm film.

“All I can tell you about that subject is rest assured that we are constantly researching and experimenting here in the Phantasm labs, so who knows what we might cook up in the near future. However, I do think that Phantasm: Ravager will be the last you see of the original Phantasm actors in the series.”

I am excited as hell about this news. I didn't buy the PHANTASM box set (yet) but I did rewatch all my copies over the last week, and, man, do love PHANTASM II and PHANTASM II: LORD OF THE DEAD more and more everytime I watch them.

Would you be excited about a new PHANTASM flick if the original cast didn't return (RIP Angus Scrimm aka The Tall Man)? I'd give it a go for sure. Especially if Coscarelli stayed involved.

I'll let you know more if I hear anything on a possible PHANTASM VI!

PHANTASM II hottie Samantha Phillips

Published by
Mike Sprague