No Leagues for McG

20,00 Leagues Under Gotham...

The one calling himself McG might not be unanimously appreciated by movie fans, I was still kinda looking forward to his take on a Captain Nemo origins film. Looks like we’ll never know if it would’ve been any good…

Variety brought forth confirmation from Disney that the studio is putting their 20,000 LEAGUES prequel on hold indefinitely -which pretty much means it’s dead- while McG’s peeps said the man on moving on to other projects on his plate.

The film had been in McG’s hands since last January, with at one point strong rumours pointing to Will Smith for the starring role. Things were said to be on the fasttrack with former studio head Dick Cook, but with that one gone and the director’s failure to maintain the Terminator franchise, the Mouse probably wants to cash in on surefire hits instead. Like THE TOOTH FAIRY

Source: Variety

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