Nick Groff Investigates… The VIDI SPACE Film Festival!

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Nick Groff, Elizabeth Saint, Nick Groff Investigates,, AITH, Arrow in the Head, VIDI SPACE, Film Festival, horror

Nick Groff is one of the most respected names in television and beyond when it comes to the paranormal. He has had incredible experiences in some of the most haunted locations in the world. As a friend to Arrow in the Head, we’ve shared some very exciting experiences with Nick including a couple of wild and spooky moments that we’ve managed to capture on camera. Thus, we’ve decided to work with the television host and producer extraordinaire so he can share his knowledge and insight on all things that go bump in the night. With this bi-monthly column, we plan to delve into everything from urban legends to ghostly apparitions, to his take on some of the coolest genre flicks ever. This is Nick Groff Investigates…!

THE VIDI SPACE Film Festival!

One of my favorite things as part of the staff here at Arrow in the Head and JoBlo is discovering exciting filmmakers. When The Arrow brought me on so many years back, it was beyond thrilling to find new voices that offered something unique and truly special to the horror genre. And frankly, that has been a constant factor as I’ve grown with the site. You know that feeling when you see a movie that feels truly fresh? Well, we here at AITH have found yet another outlet to discover new stories and talented artists. And yes, this involves Nick Groff and Elizabeth Saint’s impressively awesome streaming service VIDI SPACE.

Nick Groff, Elizabeth Saint, Nick Groff Investigates, AITH, Arrow in the Head, VIDI SPACE, Film Festival, horrorIt’s been really wonderful to bring my interest and fascination with the paranormal here, and writing “Nick Groff Investigates” with the man himself continues to bring brand new ideas to me every time we sit down for another creepy tale. Yet this week, we thought we’d open you up to what VIDI SPACE has to offer, and a brand new way for talented filmmakers to bring their vision to the world. I’m thrilled to announce that I will be one of the judges for the VIDI SPACE Film Festival – along with the great John Fallon himself. Having had a film I co-produced presented there, one that I hold near and dear to my heart called THE HARVESTERS – which is currently available on VIDI SPACE as well as Amazon Prime – this is a chance for me to see other horrific tales brought to life.

So this week, instead of disappearing into the darkness of a haunted asylum, or looking deep inside the horrors of a demonic force, we are talking movies. If you happen to be a filmmaker and would like the opportunity to have your own vision witnessed by fans all over the world, read on. Instead of me telling you all about the festival and where to submit, I’ll leave that up to both Nick and Elizabeth. Do you have something scary, shocking, funny or just plain gruesome that you’d like to share with the world? Well here is what the two have to say about the upcoming festival! And of course, this is your chance to get a feature or short seen and presented to genre lovers everywhere!

Nick Groff, Elizabeth Saint, Nick Groff Investigates, Film Festival, AITH, Arrow in the Head,, VIDI SPACE, horror

“The original vision of VIDI SPACE came from seeing a huge disconnect between the mainstream content being produced for networks and that which was being created by independent filmmakers in the paranormal community. Our first feature film for VIDI SPACE was a paranormal documentary, A Brush With Evil, by Josh Heard. After talking with Josh and other filmmakers it became apparent that there was a lot of amazing content out there that just wasn’t being seen. Unless you are backed by a larger entity it’s extremely difficult to really reach the masses. For the past year, we’ve scoured the Internet for hidden gems in all genres that have just never received distribution or have been lost in the sea of content that exists today. Being a new platform, there are still a lot of people that don’t know about us and still a lot of content out there that we would love to showcase. For us, the film festival is the next building block towards our desire to continue supporting, funding and promoting the indie community. We have really made it our mission to dedicate ourselves to the continued journey of each independent artist and filmmaker we’ve had the pleasure to work with. 

All category winners will receive a distribution offer from us. Something unique we’ve added is our Spacers’ Choice Award which is voted on by 5 Subscribers to our platform who have volunteered to be a part of the judging process. They represent the voice of the community and decide who will receive the $1,000 grand prize. 

We’ve made FilmFreeway our home for VSFF submissions. All the details about deadlines, laurels, and prizes can be seen here:
– Elizabeth Saint”

“I grew up watching every film I could get my hands on. I’m a film fanatic! When Elizabeth Saint asked me about being a judge for the VIDI SPACE film festival I was 100% on board! It’s an amazing idea and great opportunity for filmmakers. I believe the VIDI festival will be the next hottest place to attend! Huge announcements coming as we progress through the year. 

Filmmakers around the world can submit now and win some great prizes! The festival will be open to the public to attend. 

We have several amazing judges that will be viewing the films and rating them. Excited to have John Fallon (Arrow in the Head) as a finalist judge. Other judges are Robert Murch (Talking Board Historical Society) JimmyO (Arrow in the Head) Elizabeth Saint, Justin Narragon (Executive Producer – Paranormal Lockdown) and more to be announced! Stay tuned.

I’m looking for creativity, unique stories, production value and films that move me emotionally in some way. I’m excited to watch and see VIDI SPACE take this festival to the next level! See you at the festival in February 2020! – Nick Groff”

Source: Arrow in the Head

About the Author

3143 Articles Published

JimmyO is one of’s longest-tenured writers, with him reviewing movies and interviewing celebrities since 2007 as the site’s Los Angeles correspondent.