Categories: Movie Trailers

New trailer for Dreamworks’ The Croods starring Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, and Emma Stone

Despite the lackluster box office of the currently in theaters RISE OF THE GUARDIANS, Dreamworks animation is pushing out another one early next year, this time in the form of THE CROODS, a caveman-meets-fantasy-world adventure set to the tune of Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, and Emma Stone.  The first trailer hit a few months ago and now a much longer and engaging one is here to sell you into the theater.  The trailer gives a clearer picture as to the narrative and you can easily start building your cliches.  It does look like fun, however, and I’m hoping the filmmakers really capitalize on having Nicolas Cage on voice chores, squeezing in some “crazy Cage” moments, animation-style. 

I get dragged to all of these (lucky me) so I don’t have a choice in the matter, but thankfully this looks like it will be good enough to not be like getting waterboarded for two hours and that’s all right. 

How Crood (insert Jar Jar voice):

So, yeah, some more pretty animation from Dreamworks.  I thought RISE OF THE GUARDIANS was great and will be happy to count it amongst my Christmas season viewing stable each year, so the lackluster box office is a bit of a surprise to me.  If nothing else, it just goes to show that pretty animation doesn’t guarantee buku bucks.  Still, you have my recommendation if that means anything.  My kid loved it and I have no doubt he’ll love THE CROODS as well.  I draw the line at SMURFS 2, though. 

THE CROODS kick off their family adventure on March 22, 2013.

Published by
Paul Shirey