Categories: Movie News

New T’formers trailer

While the reissue of the 1986 TRANSFORMERS movie would make a great Christmas present, for those longing for the live-action version will have to settle for about 82 minutes less of footage. But hey, a quick math leads us to the fact that we’re getting about two new minutes of footage from Michael Bay’s TRANSFORMERS just in time for Christmas. I’m rambling and not making much sense but the point of all this is that on Wednesday, Yahoo! will debut the new trailer for TRANSFORMERS. Don’t take my word for it, here’s what Bay himself sez: “Today I just finished the new teaser for Christmas and I think it’s AWESOME! The trailer mixing Guru who does all the big summer movies turned to me and said with a little more ump – it was ‘fucking awesome.’ I think some of my films have had good teasers but this one is just makes a statement. It’s hard edged to show we are not a silly ‘toy’ movie. We show just hints of robots – and almost none of our epic shots are in this teaser, but the movie just looks big. I had a room full of 20 Tranformers adult geeks, and they all applauded at the end.” So sez Bay, so it shall be written. Return to this link on Wednesday to see if, in fact, it is “fucking awesome.” Still no idea what a “little more ump” means though…

Published by
Mike Sampson