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New Punisher photo shows us Frank Castle’s pre-punishing days

Now that the DEFENDERS has been binged we can look to the future – a future where THE PUNISHER awaits. The series promises to take us along for the ride as Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal) travels down his road of vengeance, dishing out bloody justice to the scum of the earth. But before he was the Punisher he was a soldier and dutiful husband and father, and this new image via Empire give us a glimpse into his former life. Yes, there was a time when he did not only wear black.

Take a look and click to embiggen!

Bernthal spoke with Empire about getting back into the mind of Castle, saying how though he goes on expected killing sprees we will see some attempt to “move beyond” the Punisher:

It’s the only thing that silences the demons, temporarily. There’s going to be an attempt to move beyond the Punisher, but that’s something he can’t shake. There’s part of me that’s hungry to get back into the darkness, that’s exciting to see it fall apart.

Though these last two Marvel/Netflix shows haven't been doing it for me, I have great faith that THE PUNISHER will be a dark and brutal take on the character and offer a complex look at the character the likes we haven't seen on screen before. Sure we can expect plenty of blood and guts, but it's okay to cheer for the relentless gore if it's in the name of character study.

THE PUNISHER hits Netflix later this year.

Published by
Matt Rooney