Categories: Movie News

New AVP2 pic!

It’s difficult to articulate exactly how disappointed I was with the first ALIEN VS. PREDATOR. How you can take two concepts that are so unbelievably f*cking awesome, put them together with a mega budget and somehow produce a film about a mountain climbing broad who fights the Aliens with a head-shield and tail-sword combo, is beyond me. Fortunately, the trailer for ALIEN VS. PREDATOR: REQUIEM looks wonderfully violent and infinitely cooler than Anderson’s effort did. Now, MTV have a brand new exclusive picture and I’m slowly starting to get excited about this thing.

Check it out below:

Still not excited yet? How about if I told you that at some point the movie will move from Earth to the Predators’ home planet?? Yep, that’s what we’re hearing! Now what say you?

Published by
James Thoo