Netflix inks First-Look deal with comics publisher Dark Horse Entertainment

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

Dark Horse Entertainment, Tank Girl, Netflix

With Disney set to launch their streaming platform, Disney+, this November, other subscription-based outlets are pulling out all the stops to make certain that their customers continue to to enjoy their service. As part of Netflix battening down for the oncoming storm, the premiere network has announced that they've inked a first-look deal with indie comics publisher Dark Horse Entertainment. As the producers of Netflix's THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY, Dark Horse has already established themselves as a company worth locking down for an exclusive deal, as they have plenty of other comics-related properties that are overwhelmingly worthy of a small screen adaptation.

Just off the top of my head, I can think of several titles that would be worth a first-look for Netflix, such as Matt Kindt's MIND MGMT or DEPARTMENT H, THE BIG GUY AND RUSTY THE ROBOT, THE PERHAPANAUTS, TANK GIRL, WYRD, G. Willow Wilson and Christian Ward's INVISIBLE KINGDOM as well as Jeff Lemire's BLACK HAMMER series – which is already set for a multi-project endeavor with Black Hammer creator Jeff Lemire writing the pilot as part of his deal with Legendary Entertainment.

As per Dark Horse's deal with Netflix, the streaming service will have the first crack at exploring new projects hailing from the label's robust library on stories and characters. Furthermore, Dark Horse Entertainment’s Mike Richardson, Keith Goldberg and Paul Schwake have each signed on as producers thanks to the arrangement.

Dark Horse Entertainment, The Umbrella Academy, Netflix

“We are very excited about this new arrangement with the talented people at Netflix,” said Mike Richardson, Dark Horse Entertainment’s President and Founder. “We have strong creative relationships as well as a large content library to work with and, as we have seen with our recent projects, Netflix is the perfect partner to bring our stories to fans around the world.”

Recently, Netflix's THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY was renewed for a second season. Additionally, Jonas Åkerlund’s feature film POLAR starring Mads Mikkelsen – also a Dark Horse property – launched to positive reviews on the platform.

“With The Umbrella Academy and Polar, Netflix has pushed our content out into the world and allowed it to spread in a way that we’ve never experienced before, and we couldn’t be more excited to bring a whole new slate of movies and shows to their world-wide audience,” said Keith Goldberg, Senior Vice President, Dark Horse Entertainment.

“Following the success of The Umbrella Academy, we’re excited to extend our relationship with Dark Horse Comics,” said Cindy Holland, Vice President, Original Content for Netflix. “The Netflix teams are already working in deep collaboration with Dark Horse to identify projects beyond the world of traditional superheroes — branching into horror, fantasy and family entertainment — that we think our members will love.”

It's also worth noting that Dark Horse holds the comic book publishing rights to several video game-related properties, such as THE LAST OF US, TOMB RAIDER, ANTHEM, GOD OF WAR, MINECRAFT, THE WITCHER, STARCRAFT, CALL OF DUTY, HALO and more!

The deal could turn out to be a real gem for Netflix, provided that they cherry-pick from Dark Horse's best of the best, of which there are many.

Source: Deadline

About the Author

Born and raised in New York, then immigrated to Canada, Steve Seigh has been a editor, columnist, and critic since 2012. He started with Ink & Pixel, a column celebrating the magic and evolution of animation, before launching the companion YouTube series Animation Movies Revisited. He's also the host of the Talking Comics Podcast, a personality-driven audio show focusing on comic books, film, music, and more. You'll rarely catch him without headphones on his head and pancakes on his breath.