Categories: Horror Movie News

Neil Blomkamp’s Alien 5 might still be coming…from James Cameron?

So this is cool! It seems that James Cameron plans to talk with Neil Blomkamp (DISTRICT 9, CHAPPIE) about his long-rumored ALIEN 5 film! You can see James Cameron confirm that in the video at the top of the article from IGN.

This sounds pretty cool to me, personally, as I was never a big fan Ridley Scott's PROMETHEUS or COVENANT films, and Blomkamp's vision seemed to be the jolt the franchise needs. Let's hope this goes beyond just a phone call or two!

Meanwhile, Cameron's next films are the AVATAR sequels, that keep getting pushed back, but is currently scheduled for December 22, 2022.

But what do you guys think? You excited fro Blomkamp's ALIEN reboot? Either way, sound off below!

Published by
Damion Damaske