Categories: Movie News

Natalie Portman may join Danny Boyle’s Steve Jobs film


Now that Universal Pictures has picked up the Steve Jobs film (to be helmed by Danny Boyle), it looks the the project is being put on the fast track. The Aaron Sorkin scripted event was to star Batman himself, Christian Bale, in the lead role. Now that he's pulled out, Michael Fassbender is the name being tossed around as the man who would be Jobs. To add some fuel to the casting fire, another name being thrown into the mix is that of Natalie Portman. The details of her character are unknown, but it would undoubtedly be a major role.

With Universal on board, we should be hearing some official casting news any day now. Frankly, I loved Sorkin's proposed story of taking place real-time during three key events and I'm rather surprised it's taken this long to get the wheels rolling.  If Fassbender does sign on, it'll be a great way to show off the man's acting chops. Not that anyone doubts the man's talent, but he's been wading in the CG pool as of late. Also, I don't think the THOR movies are doing Portman any favors. Let's get this film in the can already!

This movie really should have been better, judging from how fun it was to film it.

Published by
Sean Wist