Murders are inspired by classic ’80s films in homage thriller Coming Soon

Last Updated on July 30, 2021


Ajay Friese, who plays the character Vijay Dhar on the Netflix update of Lost in Space, is set to star in the '80s homage thriller COMING SOON, which will mark the feature debut of director Ante Kovac, an established director of commercials.

Written by Kovac and producer Daniel Quinn, COMING SOON is about what happens when 

a series of bizarre murders inspired by classic ’80s films are discovered in the sleepy UK town of Cliff Valley. The inhabitants find themselves in the middle of a murder investigation and three movie obsessed friends are caught up in the race to catch the killer.

Quinn is producing the film with Rory Halsall of Santa Carla Films, levelFILM's David Hudakoc, Scythia Films' Daniel Bekerman, and Lauren Grant of Clique Pictures. levelFILM will be handling Canadian distribution, while Altitude will be distributing COMING SOON in the UK and will be presenting the project to other distributors at the Cannes Film Festival. Will Clarke, Mike Runagall, and Andy Mayson are executive producing for Altitude.

Runagall said that COMING SOON is 

a killer riff on some of the most beloved and iconic movies of the ’80s, flipping them with a brilliant high concept twist that will thrill genre fans around the world."

Filming will begin later this year.

The description of this as a "killer riff" on '80s classics has me totally sold on seeing COMING SOON when it gets released. PIECES and BLOOD RAGE, the movies I got images from when putting this article together, probably won't be mentioned in the movie, but the images are cool anyway.

Source: Deadline

About the Author

Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.