Categories: Movie News

Mulberry duo are Cold

Yesterday Eric told you all about After Dark Films’ final lineup for their renowned Horrorfest. One of those films includes MULBERRY STREET. Now regardless of the film not yet getting widely released, the duo behind it have already been signed to another project.

Variety is reporting that Belladonna Productions have optioned the rights to Joe R. Lansdale’s novel COLD IN JULY. And as I mentioned, the men behind MULBERRY STREET will also be behind this one. MULBERRY writer/director Jim Mickle will be directing COLD IN JULY, as well as co-writing the script with MULBERRY writer/actor Nick Damici.

The synopsis is: To kill a man, even in self-defence, is no easy thing for a man with a conscience. He has to answer to himself, put the episode behind him, get on with his life. This is very difficult when the dead man’s father, a murderous ex-con, is determined to avenge the shooting, no matter what the rights and wrongs. Richard Dane is a small businessman, a family man with a son of his own. Ben Russell, the ex-con, has a very simple proposition: an eye for an eye, a son for a son. But the truth is anything but simple, and before long Dane and Russell, misled and manipulated, are awkward allies in a living nightmare of paranoia and psychopathic sex, violence and corruption.

Sounds interesting. Now I haven’t seen MULBERRY STREET, but I’m hearing good things. If those good things are true, chances are COLD IN JULY will be just as good.

Published by
Jared Pacheco