TMNT co-creator Peter Laird shares his thoughts on Michael Bay’s recent statements

Co-creator of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Peter Laird is speaking out on the recent statements made by Michael Bay.

The director did the ultimate no-no and told the fans to “chill”. While that wasn’t the smartest thing to do, it’s also not cool to mess with the Turtles origin story. Laird shared his thoughts on his blog:

“I have had several requests from TMNT fans during this past week to comment on the idea of the Turtles being “reimagined” as aliens for the upcoming TMNT movie to be produced by Michael Bay. A few people — who don’t seem to understand that I am no longer in control of the property — want me to stop this, somehow. Obviously, I can’t do that, even if I wanted to.”

“But I would actually encourage TMNT fans to swallow the “chill pill” Mr. Bay recently suggested they take, and wait and see what might come out of this seemingly ill-conceived plan. It’s possible that with enough truly creative brainpower applied to this idea, it might actually work. I’m not saying it’s probable, or even somewhat likely… but it IS possible.”

“However, as I have pondered this further, I have realized that in one way it IS truly a genius notion. Let me explain…”

“Over the years, I have made no secret of my distaste for what I consider to be the weak, facile, creatively bankrupt idea which can be summed up like this:”

“If FOUR Ninja Turtles are good, then FIVE (or more) Ninja Turtles MUST be better!”

“It was in large part this brain-dead notion that led to the creation of the execrable “Venus de Milo” character in the blessedly short-lived live action TV series “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation”. And I can’t tell you how many times we got mail in the early years of the Turtles from people who thought it was simply an amazing idea to do a “fifth Turtle”, and how many times those same people suggested that this fifth Turtle be named “Picasso”. And many times, the brilliant idea to explain this extra Turtle was that, instead of there being just four pet shop turtles in that glass bowl in the origin story, there were really FIVE.”


To read the rest head over to Laird’s blog

Source: Peter Laird's TMNT Blog

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