Read our reactions to footage for Fox’s Logan, Alien: Covenant and more!

Last Updated on July 31, 2021

Outside of DEADPOOL Fox didn’t exactly have a banner year in 2016. Their X-MEN follow-up, X-MEN: APOCALYPSE failed to live up to expectations, and their other major hopeful, INDEPENDENCE DAY: RESURGENCE, fared even worse.  But next year will give them some bounce-back opportunities, with movies like WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES, LOGAN and ALIEN: COVENANT on the way. Of those flicks, our own Paul Shirey got a chance to see some footage from these flicks, and though he’s being threatened with death by shark pit if he gives too much away, he was able to rattle off a few reaction tweets, which you can see below!

For APES, and you can read about our set visit here!:




I'm most excited about the LOGAN and ALIEN reactions. LOGAN seems like it will be suitably violent and amazing, digging into the character in ways we've never seen. As for ALIEN it looks like we're in for a horrifying flick that harkens back the original classic. All-in-all, Paul saw 40 minutes of LOGAN, 35 minutes for CURE, three scenes and a trailer apiece for WAR and ALIEN, with more detailed reports to follow.

Stay tuned for all our updates in the future!

Source: Joblo

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