Danny Trejo starring in a film based on Epic Beard Man? Watch the trailer…

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Remember Epic Beard Man? I know internet memes have an even shorter shelf life than most 15-minutes-of-fame news but Epic Beard Man (aka Thomas Bruso) was the old guy who got into the fight on a San Francisco bus with a younger man. You know, it sparked the whole “Amber Lamps” thing? Here’s the video to refresh your memory. Well it seems someone has made an exploitation style movie based on Epic Beard Man and cast Danny Trejo as an ass-kicking old dude.

But is it real?

A fully-formed trailer for BAD ASS, an alleged new film starring Trejo, popped up online over the holiday and purports to advertise a film that goes as follows:

“A Decorated Vietnam hero Frank Vega returns home only to get shunned by society leaving him without a job or his high school sweetheart. It’s not until forty years later when an incident on a commuter bus (where he protects an elderly black man from a pair of skin heads) makes him a local hero where he’s suddenly celebrated once again. But his good fortune suddenly turns for the worse when his best friend Klondike is murdered and the police aren’t doing anything about it.”

The trailer, which you can watch below, looks a little too slick to be your generic indie movie and there’s a lot of speculation as to whether this is advertising something, a spec trailer, an actual film or what. For now, enjoy Danny Trejo in a fanny pack kicking some ass…

Source: JoBlo.com

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