Charlie Cox doesn’t think a fourth season of Daredevil will ever happen

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

Charlie Cox stop dashing our dreams! First, the Daredevil actor debunked rumors that he may be appearing in the next SPIDER-MAN sequel and now he has offered up an opinion about Daredevil ever getting a fourth season. After Netflix canceled the series following a three-season run, fans have been hopeful that another service, most likely Hulu or Disney+, could resurrect the series but Cox doesn't seem to think that's a possibility.

During an interview with "", Cox didn't sound overly optimistic about the show somehow seeing a fourth season but he admits that he may feel that way because he wants to protect himself from getting his hopes up:

"I don't feel that way, no. And, I don't know why I don't feel that way. But, I haven't been given any reason to believe that. And, from a cynical point of view, it just feels like maybe I'm trying to protect myself, 'cause I'd love nothing more than to do it again."

A lot of the hope for a fourth season began after it was widely reported that Marvel Studios would be able to use the characters from all of the canceled Netflix Marvel series in two years, per the contract between Netflix and Marvel. Based on that perceived timeline, Luke Cage and Iron Fist would be the first characters available since their series were canned first while Daredevil wouldn't be available until October 2020 for development. Jessica Jones and The Punisher would be the last to be available since their shows were canceled in 2019 which could push any development on potential shows with those characters into 2022-2023. Even with the best of intentions, in the case of Daredevil, Cox feels it would be hard to arrange a return at this point:

"When you make a television show, it's so complicated, and people's schedules are so difficult, and contracts are so difficult. So that's why when, as an actor, when you sign onto a TV show, you sign six years of your life away. Because, if you don't do that, it becomes too complicated to try and get all these moving pieces."

For some reason, Marvel Studios has stayed away from even really considering using the Netflix Marvel characters, even though the series' were mostly well-received and developed a huge fan following. They were also rich with material and featured narratives that didn't polarize the audience. Comic book fans can be hard to please but I think that the Netflix Marvel series' mostly satisfied their expectations. I've recently started a rewatch of Daredevil while in quarantine and it's top-notch entertainment. It's a real shame that we won't see a continuation of this story and that Charlie Cox likely won't be able to portray "The Man Without Fear" again because his portrayal gave fans a live-action representation to celebrate.

What would YOU want to see if Daredevil got a fourth season? Should Hulu or Disney+ explore picking it up when they can?

Source: ComicBook.Com

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