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Movie CliffsNotes: Olympus Has Fallen

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Nothing like a little Die Hard in the White House courtesy of Gerard Butler, eh? As we prepare for the sequel, LONDON HAS FALLEN, Movie CliffsNotes takes you back to where it all started with OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN, focusing on the generic and convenient plotting of this little crowd-pleaser. There's some really convenient plot devices, oversights, and general hackneyed story going on in the original, but damned if it isn't still a fun ride. It is what it is and, for what it's worth, puts Morgan Freeman in the White House as President for a second time. Man, you'd never miss a speech if that were really the case, am I right?


Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, and Morgan Freeman take their shenanigans across the pond this week when LONDON HAS FALLEN opens on March 4th.

Published by
Paul Shirey