Categories: Movie News

More Cloverfield!

Can you guys get enough CLOVERFIELD news? I guess we’ll know soon, because this movie is suddenly both the most anticipated and least known about movie for the future. Still though, through Tal at TrailerSpy we’ve got a couple more juicy morsels of info, particularly putting to rest that rumor that this might be another Godzilla flick. Although none of us really believed that did we?

Apparently, an insider has reported that the shoot is so secretive that even though he’s involved in the shoot, even he doesn’t know what the movie is. Click HERE for the rest of the report, for some information on the military in the flick and even possibly the release date for the flick.

The advertising campaign for this thing is pure genius. I love LOST and I thought MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3 was by far the best of the franchise, but no way did I think I could get so impossibly hyped up about something J.J. Abrams was producing. Roll on!

Published by
James Thoo