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Moff Gideon to have a larger role in second season of The Mandalorian

Although Giancarlo Esposito's Moff Gideon was featured in the trailers leading up to the release of The Mandalorian, the character didn't actually appear in the flesh until the final episodes of the Disney+ series. While speaking with /Film at the Television Critics Associations panel for Better Call Saul, Giancarlo Esposito confirmed that we'll be seeing much more of Moff Gideon in the second season of The Mandalorian. "It’s growing," Esposito said of his role on The Mandalorian. "Yes, I do. I most certainly do."

The last we saw of Moff Gideon found the villain exiting his wrecked TIE Fighter armed with the Darksaber, a legendary weapon in Mandalorian culture which is very familiar to fans of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels. That final episode of The Mandalorian's first season was directed by Taika Waititi (THOR: RAGNAROK), and Giancarlo Esposito said that Waititi was very particular about the final scene.

I’m climbing up on top of my TIE Fighter and Taika’s looking visually at what it is. He comes to me and I climb down. We’re in this big room and nothing’s really there and the sky is moving. It’s the volume [the space where they film The Mandalorian] and I have my saber. Taika says, ‘Give me that, give me that.’ I gave him the saber and all of a sudden he starts moving his feet in all these different ways and he’s like, ‘It’s really good, it’s really good.’ And I’m [saying], ‘Yeah, but.’ He’s looking down at his feet and he’s like, ‘Maybe your feet, it’s the feet. It’s the feet thing.’ I said, ‘What’s bugging you about the way my feet are? I’m on a fucking globe 30 feet in the fucking sky.’ So I said, ‘Give me back the saber.’ I climb back up and I’m like, ‘Do the feet look better this way?’ Something about my feet bugged him the way they were. He’s that meticulous. I said, ‘Taika, if they’re looking at my fucking feet, they’re not looking at my face.’ He’s an interesting guy. I like him a lot.

The second season of The Mandalorian is already underway, which creator/writer Jon Favreau has announced will be hitting Disney+ in Fall 2020.

Published by
Kevin Fraser