Categories: Movie News

Mission: Impossible 7 may scrap Italy shoot entirely over COVID-19

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 7 was just beginning a three-week shoot in Venice, Italy as the spread of coronavirus was taking over the globe. Paramount Pictures acted quickly and pulled cast and crew from shooting in the area until the danger passed. As all know, the danger didn't pass and it only got worse with all of Hollywood going dark in COVID-19's wake. With no production starts in sight as of now, Paramount Pictures is now considering scrapping the Italy shoot entirely.

According to "Variety", the talk at the studio is to either do away with shooting in Italy, just as a precaution to the film's cast and crew, or they could push the shooting back into the fall and maintain the Italy setting for some of the shoot. The plan was for the film, which shutdown in February, to tentatively begin filming again in June but Italy has been viewed as a hot spot and even if the curve flattens there, the concern is about a potential second wave that could put all involved in danger. Paramount is trying to figure out if the risk is worth it at this point.

Some of the script for MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 7 does have it taking place in Italy so if they scrap the shoot, they'll have to make changes to script and switch up on locations. This isn't the only film facing this issue as many other films will have to weigh the risks when it comes to shooting internationally. This is mostly due to the travel restrictions in a lot of countries, but also because there’s a lot more risk about contracting coronavirus when you’re on-location as opposed to a soundstage on a studio backlot that can easily be cleaned extensively every day and closed off from the general public. Shooting in the States will also be impacted because the industry will have to develop safety restrictions to make everyone working on a film set feel safe to do so. A final decision hasn't been made on what to do about the MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 7 Italy shoot but they have time to mull it over before hopefully going back to work in June.

Do YOU think it will be safe for them to shoot in Italy by June or should they scrap that part of the shoot entirely? MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 7, directed by Christopher McQuarrie and starring Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson, Vanessa Kirby, Hayley Atwell, Pom Klementieff, Nicholas Hoult, Simon Pegg & Henry Czerny, is expected to open July 23, 2021.

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