Categories: Movie News

Michael Bay is open to making a superhero movie, but probably not for Marvel

Michael Bay is the master of all things that BOOM, so it’s a bit of a surprise that he hasn’t tackled the world of comic book movies yet. The director isn’t afraid of franchises as he turned the live-action Transformers movies into a huge property for Paramount Pictures so he seems more than up for the challenge of dabbling in the world of superheroes. As it turns out, Michael Bay is open to making a comic book movie but he’s revealing his terms and why it would most likely not be a film for Marvel.

While out promoting his upcoming Universal Pictures release Ambulance, Bay was asked by about making a superhero movie and Bay was pretty candid. The director said, “it’s not that I’m not interested in Marvel. As Ridley Scott says, the most complicated thing for a director and the most fun thing for a director is to build the world.” Building that world does come with some terms though and Bay reveals that doing it his own way is why it might be hard for him to do a Marvel film:

“I’m not the guy to go into Lucas’ Star Wars and do Star Wars Five. That’s not me. I’m not the one to come into Iron Man Seven. I’m not the one to do Batman 10. I want to do my own thing. I would love to do a superhero thing but I want to do it on my own terms and create my own world.”

Michael Bay does seem like a director that would want more creative control over a project so jumping into an established universe like Marvel might be a hard task for him. I can only imagine the discussions between Bay and Marvel boss Kevin Feige about the direction of a project and for some reason, I don’t think all of them would end on the best terms. If Bay made any kind of superhero film, it might have to be an original concept, maybe set up at Netflix or another streaming service, where he could have complete control over the universe he was trying to build.

Would YOU want to see Michael Bay direct a superhero movie, even if it’s not a Marvel or DC one?

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