Categories: Movie News

MGM wants to take a dip in the Hot Tub Time Machine again; negotiations underway

I had a blast with director Steve Pink‘s HOT TUB TIME MACHINE.  The comedic talents of John Cusack, Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry, and Clark Duke coupled with guest stars like Crispin Glover, Chevy Chase, and Johnny from THE KARATE KID, as well as an absolutely wonderful topless scene with Mad Men’s Jessica Pare.  I’m struggling to find something wrong with the movie, but I just can’t.  It’s a raunchy blast of ’80’s nostalgia and I’d absolutely jump back in the bubbling waters.

As is the case for MGM, who are in negotiations with director Steve Pink, Craig Robinson, Rob Corddry, and Clark Duke to go “back in time” for a sequel to the film.  Although everything seems to be on shaky ground, sources say that “if a deal makes, production would be fast-tracked.”  The only downfall?  Cusack is missing from the equation…so far.  Thus far, he’s the only one not involved, but that could always change.

I think there’s a lot of potential for a sequel to HOT TUB TIME MACHINE.  I’d love to see them take it to the ’90’s, but even if they stuck with the ’80’s that would work out just fine.  There’s plenty of cliches, trends, and downright goofy shit to play off in that decade. 

More as this develops.

Published by
Paul Shirey