Categories: Horror Movie News

Meg Foster steps into the Jeepers Creepers 3 role vacated by Barbeau

Meg FosterMeg Foster

Last month, it was revealed that Adrienne Barbeau had joined the cast of JEEPERS CREEPERS 3… and just eight days later, Barbeau announced that she would not be in the movie after all.

Given that the sequel was already filming when Barbeau dropped out, she had to be replaced very quickly. Ten days later, we now know who is taking over the role of Gaylen Brandon, whose son Kenny was killed by the monstrous Creeper. As I said when Barbeau left, she would be a tough act to follow. How do you replace genre icon? The answer is, by casting another genre icon.

A JEEPERS CREEPERS 3 crew member has been posting behind-the-scenes images on her Instagram account, and captured in one of these images was Meg Foster, the icy-eyed actress who has appeared in such films as THEY LIVE, LEVIATHAN, STEPFATHER II, THE LORDS OF SALEM, 31, and many more. She has 120 film and TV acting credits to her name, and that's not yet counting JEEPERS CREEPERS 3.

In the comments, the crew member confirmed that Foster has taken over the role Barbeau vacated. Well, if ever there was a person to wonder "Where did you get those eyes?" about, Foster would certainly be the one.

Written and directed by Victor Salva, who also wrote and directed JEEPERS CREEPERS and JEEPERS CREEPERS 2, the third film in this franchise 

will show events on the last day of the Creeper’s twenty-three day feeding frenzy, as the skeptical Sergeant Tubbs teams up with a task force hellbent on destroying the Creeper for good. The Creeper fights back in gory glory as its enemies grow closer than ever before to learning the secret of its dark origins.

Foster joins a cast that includes Gina Phillips, Jonathan Breck, Brandon Smith, Brandon Stacy, Stan Shaw, Chester Rushing, Ryan Moore, Patrick Thomas Cragin, Gabrielle Haugh, Justin Hall, Michael Papajohn, Megan Elizabeth Wright, Jason Bayle, Cade Burk, Joyce Giraud, Jordan Salloum, Don Yesso, David Davis, Casey Hendershot, Thomas Francis Murphy, and Carrie Lazar.

Many horror fans are planning to boycott JEEPERS CREEPERS 3 due to Salva's criminal history.

Published by
Cody Hamman