Categories: Movie News

Meet Guru Pitka!

A good YouTube video is one you feel compelled to share with your friends. Unfortunately, the one I just watched promoting THE LOVE GURU isn’t one of those videos. It features Mike Myers (or at least I think it’s him) mouthing the words—Conan O’Brien style—an intro to Pitka’s laws of happiness. I didn’t smile once. This doesn’t bode well for the film. Having said that, Austin Powers standing alone isn’t hilarious. It was the trilogy’s supporting characters (Mini-me, Fat Bastard, Dr. Evil) and their interactions with the title character that made the trilogy so iconic. I have no doubt this film will have some memorable supporting characters, at least in the form of Romany Malco and Justin Timberlake’s hockey players. I trust Myers. He is a brilliant comedy writer. So just because this clip is shit, doesn’t mean the movie will be (and don’t judge it by the trailer either!)

Published by
Ben Barna