Categories: Movie News

McGowan a B-movie star

Rose McGowan, about to be seen in theaters sporting a bitchin machine gun leg in GRINDHOUSE, has signed on to star in the upcoming indie drama BLACK OASIS. In the film she’ll star as real life actress Susan Cabot who starred in a number of western B-movies and Roger Corman films and (here’s where it gets interesting) dated King Hussein of Jordan before being beaten to death by her son Timothy who suffered from dwarfism. Let me recap: she was bludgeoned by her son, a dwarf. Interestingly enough he was only convinced of involuntary manslaughter and received a paltry three year sentence. OASIS will be directed by Stephan Elliot (PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT) with shooting scheduled to begin this fall.

Published by
Mike Sampson