Martin Scorsese’s daughter Marvel-ously trolls Dad on Christmas

Sadly folks Christmas has once again come and gone. The stockings have been emptied, the egg nog consumed (or thrown out), and the lights turned way down low. Hopefully, you all received a present you wanted and said present came wrapped in some decorative paper. Wrapping paper is too often maligned at Christmastime. We are usually so eager to get to what's inside, we forget to take a look at what it's wrapped in. However, I can almost guarantee that director Martin Scorsese took notice of the wrapping paper his daughter used for his presents.

The acclaimed director has been garnering a lot of attention for his latest magnum opus, THE IRISHMAN. Critics and fans alike love Scorsese's latest ode to the mob, and Oscar nominations will no doubt be raining down on it in a few weeks. However, in recent months Scorsese also sparked debate regarding the nature of cinema. After stating that Marvel films weren't cinema and comparing them to amusement parks, Scorsese's comments created quite the backlash and sparked 1,000 think pieces. Despite the serious discussions Scorsese's words prompted, his daughter Francesca decided to have a little fun regarding the issue at her father's expense:



That's right. In a masterstroke of trolling, Francesca Scorsese decided to wrap all of her father's Christmas presents in Marvel wrapping paper. I don't care what side of the Marvel cinema debate you fall on, that's just funny. While Martin Scorsese is notorious for having very serious and somber film sets, I feel like this is a joke even he can enjoy. Seriously, this troll job is so good Francesca might want to consider getting a part time gig under a bridge yelling at goats.

All joking aside, the Marvel cinema debate isn't stopping Disney or Scorsese from flexing their cinematic muscles. THE ETERNALS and BLACK WIDOW are both set to kick off Phase IV next year. In addition, Martin Scorsese is already gearing up for his next film KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON with Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio in talks to star. As a rabid movie fan I will be checking out all of them. Will you?

Source: Twitter

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