Categories: Movie News

Mark Hamill shares first photo of him as Luke Skywalker on New Hope set

Ah, memories. We all have, in some form or another, fond photos from our past with family and friends at parties, reunions, weddings, first days of school and all other manner of delightful scenarios. But all of them are garbage compared to the photo you’re about to see. All of your memories are the equivalent of radioactive waste when measured up to that of Mark Hamill’s and a recent Twitter post showing his first day on the set of A NEW HOPE proves it.

See! Your memories mean nothing.

The photo shows Hamill as the famed Luke Skywalker on Tatooine with some Jawas hanging out in the background, photobombing like champs. Hamill posted the photo, much to the gushing of fans, saying this was not only his first day on set, but probably the first photo of him on set ever. There’s nothing revealing about it, but it’s still worthy of a place in our already loaded mental cache of set photos from the series. Hamill also responded to one user, reaffirming his faith in the movie from day one, even though not everyone shared his enthusiasm.

Like I said there’s nothing shocking to discover here, especially for die-hard fans, but it’s still a fun little pic from all those years ago, reminding us all of how far the series has come. Hamill will reprise the role in the upcoming THE LAST JEDI in what J.J. Abrams said is an Oscar-worthy performance. Even after 40 years STAR WAR is still giving us all joy, and the above photo is a reminder of its humble beginnings. Oh now my keyboard is all wet! Shut up!

In case you forgot, STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI arrives December 15. 

Published by
Matt Rooney