Last Updated on August 3, 2021
Now watching horror on Halloween is an awesome way to spend the evening, but IMO the best choices are “fun” horror movies as opposed to more serious fare. For the most part I’m not checking out HOSTEL or THE EXORCIST on All Hallows Eve because I’m likely to be distracted by the legions of scantily clad ladies at whatever party is going on, and who wants to have to split focus like that?
So here’s a group of genre madness that’s guaranteed to be drop in watchable and full of plenty of easy scares to get some lithe enchantress to jump into your lap for the evening. You’re welcome.
As always, if you have some favs that don’t make the list then spit bullets and give your fellow arrowheads the benefit of your opinions.
Well you saw this one coming right? It’s not actually one that I tend to sit down and watch on Halloween because I’ve seen the flick so many times, but I love to have it running in the background. Just the first tickle of that theme music sends chills down my spine like no other, and it’s never a bad time to watch Myers do his work. Amazingly the film isn’t all that graphic, but it feels like it’s soaked in red because the viciousness of the situation heightens the response. It’s slasher filmmaking at its finest and an awesome pic to hold the moniker of such a perfect holiday for genre fans.
Chainsaw hand motherf*ckers! The Ash that we know and love comes into his own in this reprise/sequel. A quick sit down with this will go a long way towards removing the non-fan concerned Sam Raimi of Spidey 3 infamy, and remind us all that a kid with a camera and dream can turn in an outstandingly gross, aggressive, head-trip of a genre rollercoaster.
While I have great affection for Jason Voorhees, there aren’t many movies in the series that I love. For the most part they’re pretty by the numbers, although the kills tend to standout with great brutality. But taking Jason into space, instead of being the kiss of death that usually is, brought a real sense of playful mayhem to a franchise that desperately needed to wash the body hopping slug taste out of our collective mouths. I know a lot of F13 fans didn’t like this entry, but to me it’s easily one of the most successful in the group. And Uber-Jason rocks the casbah! Also there’s lots of sex to get your paramour thinking about their dirty parts kissing your dirty parts.
For the most part I think vampire movies tend to be some of the weakest genre efforts out there. A big reason for this is that nothing grates the nerves like a substandard actor trying to act powerful and seductive at the same time. But there’s a reason Chris Sarandon bedded the nubile Susan in her youth, and it’s on full display here. The man simply owns his role as the blood sucking villain in this normal teen caught in an abnormal situation movie. An added bonus is that the dated effects work may make your costume look pretty damn good.
It’s hard to remember the genre world before Scream called out the rules, just like it’s hard to remember indie cinema before Pulp Fiction. But if you can manage to watch this iconic flick with fresh eyes it’s amazing how deftly it mixes real scares with an, at least when it came out, refreshing take on some stale genre cliches. Oh yeah, there’s perky nips and blood too.
We’ve got us a seriously fractured movie here amigos, and one that is a lesser effort from both Tarantino and Rodriguez. But y’know what? Who gives a f*ck? This is a damn good time and the last half hour is an insane monster mash of the first order. Even without Salma Hayek dancing with a snake FDTD would be a great time. But it does have her. Oh yes. Yum.
Nude dancing on graves. “Tina I want to eat your brains.” Two dudes consciously going through rigor mortis. There are so many classically awesome moments in this flick that it’s nearly a movie length highlight reel. On top of that you get the added benefit of zombie movies providing a ready excuse at all times to “playfully” start munching on some flesh. Good times for all.
I have to admit that I’m not the biggest fan of NOTD. I’ve given it a go three or four times and find myself consistently underwhelmed. But it’s hard to imagine a better opportunity to catch people’s WTF attention when you let this sucker run in the background. I mean lipstick into a boob, who thinks of that shite! Not to mention the makeup effects are first rate, and there’s plenty of the wet red messy to get your partner for the evening snuggling in tight for protection!
I’m a huge Project Greenlight fan, so I really wanted this movie to work. Turns out it was even better than I’d hoped. Funny, gory, and well played it’s simply a grossout good time. Some inspired casting choices and a few genre cliches turned on their head make it a perfect H’Ween night flick.
Tremors may well be the greatest B-Monster Movie ever made. The cast is first rate, the dialogue is perfect, and I don’t even mind the lack of nudity too much since I really don’t need to view Reba McEntire’s cans (ever notice how much she looks like Dana Carvey?) Plus you get the fun of spending the whole movie going, “I can’t believe that’s the dad from Family Ties!”
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