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There are so many things to love about horror, but one of the best by far is the kick ass masks that our favorite villains don when they’re ready to get down to some serious killing. Not that a human face can’t be scary. Hannibal Lecter is the most obvious example of how that’s not true.

Still, there’s something terrifying in the cold, inhuman stare of the right face cover. Whether it’s a modified William Shatner, or just one of the best pieces of sports equipment of all time, masks have a unique ability to brand a killer and send chills down our collective spines.

So let’s all get down with these identity covers, and if you’ve got a winner that I missed then spit bullets and let us all know what you love!

1. Hockey Mask, FRIDAY THE 13TH

I think Halloween is a far better series than F13, and the hockey mask is hindered by the fact it doesn’t even appear until the third movie in the series. Nevertheless, for pure badass badassery I can’t think of any sight that would make by blood drop straight out of my body faster than walking through the woods and seeing that mask. A happy accident that the crew were hockey fans led to a perfect summation of the brutal, unstoppable killing machine that is Jason Voorhees.



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2. Shatner Mask, HALLOWEEN

For those who are about to disagree with me here, I’ll give you the knowledge that The Arrow is on you side in the feeling that Myers should have been numero uno. And it is a great freaking mask. I still can’t see any resemblance to William Shatner in it, but maybe I just lack imagination. Not only is this a perfect example of a cold, emotionless head piece, but you also have to give up the fact that when Myers suddenly sits up behind Laurie, the mask just popping in the background, you’ve got yourself one of the best scenes in genre history.

3. Ghostface Mask, SCREAM

Let’s be honest, you guys aren’t going to be surprised at what the number 1 and 2 masks are on this list. They’re just too obvious and there’s no point in being stupid about trying to mix things up. Since those two hit, though, Wes Craven has given us the only new iconic mask since. You still see Ghostface all over the place as soon as Halloween comes knocking, and it immediately takes you back to watching those movies. The how’s of picking a genius horror mask are nebulous, but the effect is immediate.

4. Button Mask, NIGHTBREED

Here are a few things I know about the Button Mask. It makes no sense for one. How do you see out of the damn thing. Two, it’s got David Cronenberg in there, which makes the mask infinitely scarier. And finally, for a busted up thrift store piece of wardrobe it sure is an effective nightmare inducing cover up. It must tap into some Jungian archetype or something, ’cause as soon as that sucker goes on, my balls shrivel right up.


One of the coolest of the “new breed” masks, a lot of what makes Vernon’s cover work is the fact that he’s such a charming and charismatic guy throughout most of the movie, that when the mask goes down and he gets to work it’s deadly serious and surprisingly scary.



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More flat out revolting than frightening, take a moment to really think about running around, and thus sweating heavily, in a mask made out of various other people’s skin. Ugh. The mask loses some of its power because there’s so much focus on the chainsaw in the imagery of the tale, but still, not a bad entry in the genre cannon.

7. ChromeSkull, LAID TO REST

This fun new genre entry gets the prize for the coolest sounding mask – ChromeSkull. Not only does it sound awesome, but the mask design lives up to the potential of the name. I guarantee that Destro’s mask in G.I. JOE this summer will not be nearly this cool looking.

8. Hunting Mask, PREDATOR

Any mask that has a laser sight on it is very alright in my book. And let’s be honest, the Predator looks a lot more badass wearing that sucker. Those beady eyes they’ve got are a little silly. Not that I’d tell one that in person. I also dig the fact that you’ve essentially got a monster wearing a mask, which is a nice literal twist on the metaphorical usual.

9. Cupid Mask, VALENTINE

I love when cute stuff gets put into service of gory/evil stuff. So I was thrilled with the Cupid faced killer in Valentine, even though the movie itself was a pretty by-the-numbers slasher. Thankfully some great kills and that eerie as all hell mask made it easy enough to enjoy.



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Generally I find that this entry in the Halloween series is neither as bad as its detractors claim, nor as good as its 5 or 6 supporters would like to believe. It’s a fairly disposable little horror tale that is lifted above its actual merits by the ridiculously awesome gore in it. Gore that is a direct result of some of the most thoroughly f*cked up masks ever to hit a toy store shelf. So say what you will about the movie, the masks are amazing.

Tags: Hollywood

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Published by
Matt Withers