Categories: JoBlo Originals

Leprechaun 3 (1995) Revisited – Horror Movie Review

Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, a new episode of the video series The Black Sheep has arrived online (released under the Revisited banner) with a look at the third film in the Leprechaun franchise! A lot of horror fans revisit the Leprechaun movies at this time of year, and we decided to join the party. So to hear what we had to say about Leprechaun 3 (watch it HERE), check out the video embedded above.

Directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith from a screenplay by David DuBos, Leprechaun 3 has the following synopsis:

One night in Las Vegas, a pawn shop owner purchases a statue of a leprechaun from a mysterious stranger. He ignores the stranger’s warning to never remove the statue’s golden medallion and takes it for himself. Instantly the statue transforms into the murderous Leprechaun, who vows to kill anyone who takes his gold. Scott McCoy, who unwittingly took a gold coin from the pawn shop, and Tammy, Scott’s new friend, are first on the list.

The film stars John Gatins, Lee Armstrong, Caroline Williams, John DeMita, Michael Callan, Tom Dugan, and Marcelo Tubert, with Warwick Davis as the Leprechaun.

The Black Sheep series features

different takes on horror films that the masses or/and critics didn’t care for but that we found merit in. We defend horror movies that deserve more love!

The Leprechaun 3 episode of The Black Sheep was Written and Narrated by Andrew Hatfield, Edited by Brandon Nally, Produced by Lance Vlcek and John Fallon, and Executive Produced by Berge Garabedian.

What do you think of Leprechaun 3? Let us know by leaving a comment below.

A few of the previous episodes of The Black Sheep can be seen below. To see more, head over to the JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channel – and subscribe while you’re there!

Published by
Cody Hamman