Categories: Movie News

Leaked promos for The Force Awakens Blu-ray shows us store exclusives & more

Earlier this week we caught a glimpse of leaked cover art as well as some special features for the upcoming FORCE AWAKENS Blu-ray. Surprisingly, Lucasfilm has yet to release an official announcement, but that hasn't stopped other retailers from getting their promotions ready. Thanks to Bill Hunt over at The Digital Bits, we have a lot more leaked material that hints at some store exclusives, as well as a UK release date! Speaking of, let's check out this pic that comes via Jedi News in the UK.

As you can see, the release date is listed as Monday, April 18th. Either the UK iteration will hit weeks after the US version hits shelves, (rumored to be April 5th), or we may be looking at an April 19th domestic release. Next up are some promos for Best Buy and Target. As is usual for the retailers, Best Buy looks to boast an exclusive steelbook, while Target will have an additional 20 minutes of bonus material.

Taking all this into consideration, you'd think that Lucasfilm would just drop an official announcement already! At the very least, this may give you an idea of where you'd like to pick up your copy of FORCE AWAKENS once it finally streets next month. For the love of God, they better include Matt the Radar Technician as an Easter egg…

Published by
Sean Wist