Categories: Movie Reviews

Kung Pow! Enter The Fist

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Director: Steve Oedekerk
Writer: Steve Oedekerk
Producers: Steve Oedekerk, Tom Koranda, Paul Marshal
Steve Oedekerk as The Chosen One, Jennifer Tung as Woah, Tah Horino
A small child to be known as The Chosen One walks the Earth to find the man who destroyed his parents, Master Pain aka Betty. This movie is actually a re-dubbed version of the 1976 film entitled “Savage Killers” aka “Tiger and Crane Fist” with new dialogue, soundtrack and scenes added for comedic effect.
Sometimes, movie trailers really don’t give you a good sense of the film. In the case of this picture, for example, I thought the trailer was pretty awful. The special effects looked too over the top, the gags looked idiotic and the whole MATRIX spoof was like…oy vey! So I basically went in expecting garbage, but color me surprised when it actually turned out to be quite funny! In fact, if it wasn’t for those idiotic special effect scenes and obvious over-the-top gags, this would have been one of the more original, funnier flicks to come out in years. But unfortunately, that’s not the case and all you’re really left with are a bunch of hilarious moments, intercut by a few really stupid set pieces, which just don’t work. BTW, I don’t necessarily blame the trailer folks for this since the concept of the film actually seems quite difficult to capture in 30 seconds. For anyone who doesn’t know, this movie isn’t really a spoof of the recent martial arts trend in Hollywood, as much as it is a re-dubbed take on one specific 1976 film entitled SAVAGE KILLERS. You see, the filmmakers have actually taken that movie, and I mean the actual scenes and actors, and inserted their own images into them, as well as new dialogue and a soundtrack. And the results…well, they’re pretty hilarious! Every single dubbed voice in this movie cracked me up (all performed by the one-man show himself, Steve Oedekerk), especially the way that some of them would exaggerate the words and add a little “woo-eee-woo!” at the end of every sentence (granted, it doesn’t sound funny here, but it’s one of those “you had to be there” type things).

(c) 2021 Berge Garabedian

Kung Pow! Enter The Fist


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