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Jurassic World 2 will shoot in March and connect more with Jurassic Park

Chris Pratt Jurassic World 2 J.A. BayonaChris Pratt Jurassic World 2 J.A. Bayona

Most kids love to imagine what they'll be when they grow up, such as a doctor, a garbageman or a firetruck. The sky's the limit, but many years ago a young Kevin had his heart set on becoming a paleontologist. To me, that was just about the coolest job in the world and I absorbed every single dinosaur book and documentary I could lay my hands on. Steven Spielberg's JURASSIC PARK arrived right at the height of my dinosaur-mania and forever cemented my love for those giants who once walked the Earth. Flash forward twenty years and the JURASSIC PARK franchise was being resurrected in a big way with the release of Colin Trevorrow's JURASSIC WORLD. A great many people around the globe obviously enjoyed heading back to the park, but while I did enjoy the ride, I didn't fall in love with it the same way my younger self did. Perhaps that's a tall order, but I remain hopeful that JURASSIC WORLD 2 and 3 will be more successful.

Colin Trevorrow won't be returning to the director's chair this time around as he's currently tied up in a galaxy far far away, but J.A. Bayona (A MONSTER CALLS) will taking over. The new JURASSIC WORLD 2 director recently spoke with Coming Soon and revealed that shooting on the sequel will kick off in March. Bayona added that while the process to bring the sequel to life has been a very collaborative one, he's hoping that the finished product will include plenty of himself.

Every story is different and you need to find the depth of every story and try to express it on the screen. The ‘Jurassic World’ sequel is a more collaborative filmmaker experience, not only with Colin Trevorrow, but also with Steven [Spielberg] and with Frank Marshall. It’s their baby as much as it is mine. It’s about sharing views and working together to bring the story to life. But, at the same time, the way I face telling a story is to find something very personal. I think there will be plenty of myself also in the film.

When asked by CinemaBlend whether the upcoming film will be more of a JURASSIC WORLD sequel or JURASSIC PARK 5, Bayona responded by saying that it will somehow be both.

What we're doing is a sequel to Jurassic World, but it's definitely the fifth chapter of a longer saga. It's very interesting. It's always tricky, but you need to find a balance in what people expect to find, and the new stuff you're bringing to the story. And I think the story is looking for a connection between Jurassic World and Jurassic Park — more than what Jurassic World did.

JURASSIC WORLD 2 is set for a June 22, 2018 release, which leaves us plenty of time to theorize on how the sequel will hopefully improve on and depart from the events of JURASSIC WORLD. Sound off with your thoughts in the comments and tell us what you most want to see in the upcoming sequel!

Published by
Kevin Fraser