Categories: Horror Movie News

June release Head Count blends The Thing, It Follows, and Bloody Mary

Samuel Goldwyn Films has picked up the North American distribution rights to director Elle Callahan's HEAD COUNT, a horror film that Samuel Goldwyn's Miles Fineburg says makes "unique use" of influences like THE THING and IT FOLLOWS, blending them with "classic urban legends such as Bloody Mary".

Written by Michael Nader, HEAD COUNT follows 

Evan, who joins a group of teens on a getaway in Joshua Tree. While exchanging ghost stories around the campfire, Evan reads aloud a mysterious chant from a website. From that moment, someone — or something — is among them. As unsettling, inexplicable events become more frequent, Evan realizes this summoned shape-shifting creature is targeting them to fulfill a deadly ritual.

The film stars Isaac W. Jay, Ashleigh Morghan, Bevin Bru, Billy Meade, Hunter Peterson, Chelcie May, Tory Freeth, Michael Herman, Amaka Obiechie, Sam Marra, and Cooper Rowe.

HEAD COUNT was produced by Sam Sandweiss and Brandon Somerhalder, with Callahan, Hunter Peterson, Haoliang Harvey Zhang, Eric B. Fleischman, and Lauri Apelian executive producing.

Samuel Goldwyn Films will be giving HEAD COUNT a theatrical and digital release on June 14th.

A trailer for the film can be seen below, and it looks decent enough. Miles Fineburg already sold me on checking it out when he compared it to a mixture of THE THING, IT FOLLOWS, and Bloody Mary.

Published by
Cody Hamman